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Tri Siswati Similarity Index : Tax ratio was the most dominant social predictor associated with stunting and severe stunting of children in Indonesia: Multilevel analysis. international scientific symposium and competition.
Tri Siswati and Toto Sudargo1 Tax ratio was the most dominant social predictor associated with stunting and severe stunting of children in Indonesia: Multilevel analysis. International Health and Nutrition Symposium.
Tri Siswati Bukti Korespondensi : Tax ratio was the most dominant social predictor associated with stunting and severe stunting of children in Indonesia: Multilevel analysis. international scientific symposium and competition.
Tri Siswati and Toto Sudargo1 Peer Review : Tax ratio was the most dominant social predictor associated with stunting and severe stunting of children in Indonesia: Multilevel analysis. International Health and Nutrition Symposium.