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Number of items: 62.

UNSPECIFIED Empowering aspects for healthy food: mother’s experiences to combat stunting in the rural community. SEAMEO RECFON, The 1 st SEAMEO International Conference on Food and Nutrition.

Abidillah, Mursyid and Agus, Wijanarka and Tri Siswati and Waryana Faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian gizi buruk di Kab Bantul. Jurusan Gizi Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta.

Agus, Wijanarka Jurmal Media Gizi Mikro Indonesia.

Asni Nurul Aini and Irianton, Aritonang and Tri Siswati Inisiasi Menyusu Dini (IMD) dan Pemberian ASI Eksklusif Sebagai Faktor Risiko Terjadinya Stunted pada Anak Usia 0-24 Bulan. Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan, 9 (2). pp. 96-98. ISSN 0216-4981.

Aurelia Rifkha Anyndie and Nur, Hidayat and Tri Siswati Bukti Korespondensi : Developing “Ibu Sehati’ Application for Anemia Preventing Program: Information, Education, Communication Media during Covid-19. PROCEEDING OF THE INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR COVID-19 PANDEMIC: Impacts, Strategies, and Challenges on The Urban Health.

Aurelia Rifkha Anyndie and Nur, Hidayat and Tri Siswati Developing “Ibu Sehati’ Application for Anemia Preventing Program: Information, Education, Communication Media during Covid-19. PROCEEDING OF THE INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR COVID-19 PANDEMIC: Impacts, Strategies, and Challenges on The Urban Health.

Aurelia Rifkha Anyndie and Nur, Hidayat and Tri Siswati Peer Review : Developing “Ibu Sehati’ Application for Anemia Preventing Program: Information, Education, Communication Media during Covid-19. PROCEEDING OF THE INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR COVID-19 PANDEMIC: Impacts, Strategies, and Challenges on The Urban Health.

Aurelia Rifkha Anyndie and Nur, Hidayat and Tri Siswati Similarity Index : Developing “Ibu Sehati’ Application for Anemia Preventing Program: Information, Education, Communication Media during Covid-19. PROCEEDING OF THE INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR COVID-19 PANDEMIC: Impacts, Strategies, and Challenges on The Urban Health.

Eka Rizky Hidayah and Nur, Hidayat and Tri Siswati Bukti Korespondensi : Efektivitas Penyuluhan Gizi melalui Roda Putar dan Leaflet terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Gizi Seimbang pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Nutrisia Vol.23, No.1 (Maret) 2021, pp. 22 – 31 E-ISSN: 2614-7165, P- ISSN 1693-945X DOI 10.29238/jnutri.v23i1.206 Journal homepage: http://

Eka Rizky Hidayah and Nur, Hidayat and Tri Siswati Efektivitas Penyuluhan Gizi melalui Roda Putar dan Leaflet terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Gizi Seimbang pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Nutrisia Vol.23, No.1 (Maret) 2021, pp. 22 – 31 E-ISSN: 2614-7165, P- ISSN 1693-945X DOI 10.29238/jnutri.v23i1.206 Journal homepage: http://

Eka Rizky Hidayah and Nur Hidayat, Nur Hidayat and Tri Siswati Peer Review : Efektivitas Penyuluhan Gizi melalui Roda Putar dan Leaflet terhadap Pengetahuan dan Sikap Gizi Seimbang pada Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Jurnal Nutrisia Vol.23, No.1 (Maret) 2021, pp. 22 – 31 E-ISSN: 2614-7165, P- ISSN 1693-945X DOI 10.29238/jnutri.v23i1.206 Journal homepage: http://

Fahmi Baiquni and Tri Siswati Peer Review : The role of social media in optimizing the healthy lifestyle movement “GERMAS” during the COVID-19 pandemic. 3rd Conference on Community Empowermwnt for Health.

Heru Subaris Kasjono and Slamet Iskandar and Tri Siswati Laporan Penelitian Skema Kajian Kebijakan Strategis (KKS) : Kajian Implementasi Kebijakan Rencana Aksi daerah (RAD) Stunting di Yogyakarta. Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta.

Kiky Nur meylia and Tri Siswati and Bunga Astria Paramashanti and Febrina Suci Hatic Fine motor, gross motor, and social independence skill among stunted and non-stunted children Q3. Early Child Development and Care.

Listiyaningsih Atun and Tri Siswati and Weni, Kurdanti Asupan Sumber Natrium, Rasio Kalium Natrium, Aktivitas Fisik, Dan Tekanan Darah Pasien Hipertensi. Media Gizi Mikro Indonesia, 6 (1). pp. 63-71. ISSN 2354-8746.

Nurul Huda, Syamsiatun and Tri Siswati Pemberian ekstra jus putih telur terhadap kadar albumin dan Hb pada penderita hipoalbuminemia. Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia, 12 (2). pp. 54-61. ISSN 1693-900x.

Nurul Huda, Syamsiatun and Tri Siswati Pemberian ekstra jus putih telur terhadap kadar albumin dan Hb pada penderita hipoalbuminemia. Jurnal Gizi Klinik Indonesia, 12 (2). pp. 54-61. ISSN 1693-900x.

Rinta Purnasari and Tri Siswati and Nurul Huda, Syamsiatun Kontribusi energy dan lemak dari susu formula dengan status gizi anak usia 6-24 bulan. Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan, 11 (2). pp. 88-93. ISSN 0216-4981.

Thorifah Zatu Sabila and Waryana and Tri Siswati Perilaku Ibu dan Dukungan Orang Tua dalam Pencapaian ASI Eksklusif di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gondokusuman I Yogyakarta. Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan, 10 (2). pp. 113-117. ISSN 0216-4981.

Tri Siswati BMC Nutrition : Prevalence of stunting and associated factors Zuria. Publisher.

Tri Siswati BMC Nutrition : Water, hygiene and sanitation practices are associated with stunting among children of aged 24-59 months in Lemo district, South Ethiopia, in 2021. Publisher.

Tri Siswati Bukti Kerja Mereview Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi. Publisher.

Tri Siswati Bukti Korespondensi : Design Thinking of DEPA Application to Support Monitoring Growth Children. Public Health International Conference (PHICo).

Tri Siswati Bukti Korespondensi : POSYANDU PRAKONSEPSI: PEMBERDAYAAN REMAJA DALAM MENCEGAH STUNTING SEJAK DINI. Forum Nasional Kebijakan Kesehatan Nasional.

Tri Siswati Bukti Korespondensi : Policy Analysis of Healthy Community Movement (Germas) during Pandemi Covid-19 in Yogyakarta. Public Health International Conference (PHICo).

Tri Siswati Bukti Korespondensi : Tax ratio was the most dominant social predictor associated with stunting and severe stunting of children in Indonesia: Multilevel analysis. international scientific symposium and competition.

Tri Siswati Design Thinking of DEPA Application to Support Monitoring Growth Children. Public Health International Conference (PHICo).

Tri Siswati Hak atas Kekayaan Intelektual Aplikasi DEPA. HAKI.

Tri Siswati Hasil Review artikel Road Traffic accidents in Nineveh Province (2017_2021): A retrospective study. MALAYSIAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH MEDICINE.

Tri Siswati Hibah Penelitian Kompetitif ADB. Publisher.


Tri Siswati Peer Review : Design Thinking of DEPA Application to Support Monitoring Growth Children. HAKI.

Tri Siswati Peer Review : Design Thinking of DEPA Application to Support Monitoring Growth Children. Public Health International Conference (PHICo).

Tri Siswati Peer Review : Health-promoting university: the implementation of an integrated guidance post for non-communicable diseases (Posbindu PTM) among university employees. Global Health Promotion 1757-9759; Vol 0(0): 1–9; 1021363 Copyright © The Author(s) 2021, Reprints and permissions: DOI:

Tri Siswati Peer Review : Policy Analysis of Healthy Community Movement (Germas) during Pandemi Covid-19 in Yogyakarta. Public Health International Conference (PHICo).

Tri Siswati Peer Review : Risk perception of behavioural adaptation recommendations towards COVID-19 and its related factors in Indonesia. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Siswati T et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2021 Nov;8(11):5157-5162


Tri Siswati Review : The multiple interventions of sexual health educatio n in adolescence. MJPHM.

Tri Siswati Review Manuscript : BMC Nutrition artikel dengan judul Evaluation of dietary food intales and anthropometric measure in middle-aged men with agresive symptoms a case control study. Publisher BMC Nutrition.

Tri Siswati Review manuscript BMC Nutrition dengan judul Nutritional health related and socio demograhics of anemia in adolescent girls in Kumbungu District Ghana. BMC Nutrition.

Tri Siswati Risk Factors for Stunting and Severe Stunting among Under Five Years Children in Rural Areas in Indonesia. International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 8 (11). pp. 1635-1640. ISSN 2319-7064.


Tri Siswati Similarity Index : Design Thinking of DEPA Application to Support Monitoring Growth Children. Public Health International Conference (PHICo).

Tri Siswati Similarity Index : Tax ratio was the most dominant social predictor associated with stunting and severe stunting of children in Indonesia: Multilevel analysis. international scientific symposium and competition.

Tri Siswati Similarity Index : The role of social media in optimizing the healthy lifestyle movement “GERMAS” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Community Empowerment for Health.

Tri Siswati Turnitin Check_Risk Factors for Stunting and Severe Stunting among under Five Years Children in Rural Areas in Indonesia. UNSPECIFIED.

Tri Siswati The role of social media in optimizing the healthy lifestyle movement “GERMAS” during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Community Empowerment for Health.

Tri Siswati and Agnes Murdiati and Bibinus Hengky Widhi Antoro and Ro'fah and Heru Subaris Kasjono Policy Analysis Reducing Under Five Stunting Children in Special Region Yogyakarta, Indonesia. JKKI.

Tri Siswati and Heru Subaris Kasjono and Yustiana Olfah Faktor Risiko PTM di Posbindu PTM Institusi di DIY, 2019. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kesehatan Masyarajat 2019. pp. 52-59. ISSN 975-979-587-843-8.

Tri Siswati and Joko, Susilo Risk perception of behavioural adaptation recommendations towards COVID-19 and its related factors in Indonesia. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Siswati T et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2021 Nov;8(11):5157-5162 ISSN pISSN 2394-6032 | eISSN 2394-6040

Tri Siswati and Margono and Novi Husmarini Health-promoting university: the implementation of an integrated guidance post for non-communicable diseases (Posbindu PTM) among university employees. Global Health Promotion 1757-9759; Vol 0(0): 1– 9; 1021363 Copyright © The Author(s) 2021, Reprints and permissions: DOI:

Tri Siswati and Toto Sudargo1 Peer Review : Tax ratio was the most dominant social predictor associated with stunting and severe stunting of children in Indonesia: Multilevel analysis. International Health and Nutrition Symposium.

Tri Siswati and Toto Sudargo1 Tax ratio was the most dominant social predictor associated with stunting and severe stunting of children in Indonesia: Multilevel analysis. International Health and Nutrition Symposium.

Warti Anggraini and Waryana and Tri Siswati Dukungan Suami Kepada Ibu dalam Praktik Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Gondokusuman I Yogyakarta. Jurusan Gizi Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta.

Wiwid Andari and Tri Siswati and Bunga Astria Paramashanti Tinggi badan ibu sebagai faktor risiko stunting pada anak usia 24-59 bulan di Kec Pleret dan kec Pajangan Kab Bantul Yogyakarta. Journal of Nutrition College, 9 (4). pp. 235-240. ISSN 2337-6236.

Wuri Kathleen Herningsih and Tri Siswati and Mutiara Tirta PLK Perilaku yang mendorong keberhasilan ASI ekslusif pada wanita bekerja di FK UGM: Studi Positive Deviance. Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan, 11 (1). pp. 48-52. ISSN 0216-4981.

Yustiana Olfah and Abdul Ghofur and Nia Ayu Bintari and Tri Siswati Analisis Karakteristik Perawat/Penata Anestesi dan Risiko Kecelakaan Kerja di Kamar Operasi RSUD DIY. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Kesehatan Masyarajat 2019. pp. 1-11. ISSN 975-979-587-843-8.

Yustiana Olfah and Tri Siswati Bukti Korespondensi : Sedentary Life Style and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome of Public Health Center Nurses during the Covid-19 Pandemic. INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR “COVID-19 PANDEMIC: IMPACTS, STRATEGIES, AND CHALLENGES ON THE URBAN HEALTH”.

Yustiana Olfah and Tri Siswati Peer Review : Sedentary Life Style and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome of Public Health Center Nurses during the Covid-19 Pandemic. PROCEEDING OF THE INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR COVID-19 PANDEMIC: Impacts, Strategies, and Challenges on The Urban Health.

Yustiana Olfah and Tri Siswati Peer Review : Sedentary Life Style and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome of Public Health Center Nurses during the Covid-19 Pandemic. PROCEEDING OF THE INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR COVID-19 PANDEMIC: Impacts, Strategies, and Challenges on The Urban Health.

Yustiana Olfah and Tri Siswati Sedentary Life Style and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome of Public Health Center Nurses during the Covid-19 Pandemic. INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR “COVID-19 PANDEMIC: IMPACTS, STRATEGIES, AND CHALLENGES ON THE URBAN HEALTH”.

Yustiana Olfah and Tri Siswati Similarity Index : Sedentary Life Style and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome of Public Health Center Nurses during the Covid-19 Pandemic. INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR “COVID-19 PANDEMIC: IMPACTS, STRATEGIES, AND CHALLENGES ON THE URBAN HEALTH”.

This list was generated on Sun Dec 22 03:31:32 2024 WIB.