Ranita Silantika (2015) PENGARUH EKSTRAK DAUN UNGU (GRAPTOPHYLLUM PICTUM (L.) GRIFF) SEBAGAI OBAT KUMUR TERHADAP SKOR PLAK PADA MAHASISWA ASRAMA JURUSAN KEPERAWATAN GIGI. ["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_skripsi" not defined] thesis, Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta.
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7. Conclusion.pdf Download (103kB) |
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Latar Belakang : Berkumurdenganekstrakdaunungumampumenghambatperkembanganbakteri. DaunUnguterbuktimampumenghambatpertumbuhanStreptoccocusmutans yang berperandalam proses terjadinyakaries. Tujuan Penelitian:Untuk mengetahuipengaruhekstrakdaunungu (Graptophillumpictum(L.)Griff) sebagaiobatkumurterhadapskorplak. MetodePenelitian :Penelitianinibersifatpraeksperimendenganmenggunakanrancanganone group pretest-posttest design. penelitianinidi laksanakanpadabulanOktober2019. Populasistudipenelitianiniadalahmahasiswaasrama 2 JurusanKeperawatan Gigi PoltekkesKemenkes Yogyakarta. Sampeldenganjumlah 40 responden. Analisis data menggunakanpaired t-testyaituuntukmengetahuiperbedaanskorplaksebelumdansesudahberkumurekstrakdaunungudanujianalisisregresisederhanayaituuntukmengetahuiadatidaknyapengaruhberkumurekstrakdaununguterhadapskorplak. Hasilpenelitian : Rata-rata skorplaksebelumberkumurekstrakdaununguadalah 2,03, sedangkan rata-rata skorplaksesudahberkumurekstrakdaununguadalah 0,20. Ekstrakdaunungudapatmenurukanskorplaksecarasignifikandenganselisihsebesar 1,79. Hasilpenelitianmenunjukkanadanyapengaruhberkumurekstrakdaununguterhadapskorplak P=0,000. Kesimpulan :Ada pengaruhekstrakdaunungusebagaiobatkumurterhadapindeksplakpadamahasiswaasramajurusanKeperawatan Gigi, terbuktidengannilaisignificancy P = 0,000. Kata Kunci :Ekstrakdaunungu, skorplak THE EFFECT OF PURPLE LEAF EXTRACT (GRAPTOPHYLLUM PICTUM (L.) GRIFF) AS A GROWTH MEDICINE ON SCORE PLORTS IN PLACES OF ASRAMA STUDENTS IN DENTAL NURSING Ranita Silantika*, Wiworo Haryani, Siti Hidayati. Department of Applied Dental Therapy Poltekkes Ministry of Health Yogyakarta Jl. Kyai Mojo No. 56, Bener, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta Email: ranitasilantika@gmail.com ABSTRACT Background :Gargling with purple leaf extract can inhibit bacterial development. Purple leaves are proven to be able to inhibit the growth of Streptoccocus mutans which play a role in the process of caries. Objective: To determine the effect of purple leaf extract (Graptophillum pictum (L.) Griff) as a mouthwash on plaque score. Research Methods: This study was a pre-experimental study using one group pretest-posttest design. This research was carried out in October 2019. The population of this research study was boarding students 2 Department of Dental Nursing Polytechnic Ministry of Health Yogyakarta. Sample with 40 respondents. Data analysis used paired t-test to find out the differences in plaque scores before and after gargling of purple leaf extract and a simple regression analysis test that was to determine whether there were any effects of purple leaf extract gargling on plaque scores. Results: The average plaque score before gargling of purple leaf extract was 2.03, while the average plaque score after gargling of purple leaf extract was 0.20. Purple leaf extract can significantly reduce plaque score with a difference of 1.79. The results showed the effect of gargling of purple leaf extract on the plaque score P = 0,000. Conclusion: There is an effect of purple leaf extract as a mouthwash on the plaque index in boarding students majoring in Dental Nursing, as evidenced by the significance value P = 0,000. Keywords: Purple leaf extract, plaque score
Item Type: | Thesis (["eprint_fieldopt_thesis_type_skripsi" not defined]) |
Subjects: | R Medicine > RT Nursing |
Divisions: | Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta > Jurusan Keperawatan Gigi > Program Studi Sarjana Terapan Terapi Gigi |
Depositing User: | Mahasiswa Polkesyo |
Date Deposited: | 08 Sep 2020 06:36 |
Last Modified: | 08 Sep 2020 06:36 |
URI: | http://eprints.poltekkesjogja.ac.id/id/eprint/2386 |
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